AlamoPROMISE Begins its Fifth Year of Eliminating Financial Barriers to Education



Four smiling students wearing grey t-shirts with the Alamo Promise logo

9月开始. 1, eligible graduating current high school seniors who plan to graduate from participating high schools 和程序s in 2024 can begin the process to join AlamoPROMISE, the 十大网赌正规网址官网区’s tuition-free college program offering the promise of a quality college education free from financial burden.

现在是招收的第五年, AlamoPROMISE is serving 20 school districts and partners including 73 圣安东尼奥-area high schools 和程序s, 同时也是私人的, 宪章, 以及贝尔县的家庭学校 as a result of an expanded level of service that reaches more students across the region. This increases the AlamoPROMISE program’s reach and enables the opportunity for a strong future to over 20,000名学生和他们的家庭, 预计入学人数超过5人,500 new students this Fall 2023 – the largest incoming class of AlamoPROMISE Scholars to date.

AlamoPROMISE covers tuition and required fees for eligible students seeking an academic certificate or associate degree at one of the five 阿拉莫大学: 十大网赌正规网址官网, 西北Vista, 帕洛阿尔托, St. 菲利普学院和圣安东尼奥学院. 

To be eligible, students must be a graduating senior from a 参加AlamoPROMISE高中 和程序, 申请十大网赌正规网址官网的入学资格, 完整的财政援助要求, 报名参加2024年秋季的课程. The AlamoPROMISE does not have an incoming grade point average or income requirements.  

The 2024-2025 应用Texas application opens on September 1, and the Free Application for Student Financial 援助 (FAFSA) is slated to open in December. 在2月10日之前完成这两项要求的学生. 28, 2024, will guarantee their spot in the program, pending eligibility verification. 学生 who are interested in learning more but not ready to apply can visit 阿拉莫.edu/promise 了解更多. 

作为AlamoPROMISE学者, students receive a "last-dollar" scholarship for up to three years or the completion of an associate degree or academic certificate, 先到者为准. The "last-dollar" scholarship funds the cost of tuition and required fees after financial aid awards are applied. 

AlamoPROMISE recently expanded to include graduates from 宪章, 私人, 以及贝尔县的家庭学校, 对2023届毕业生生效. 

“The 十大网赌正规网址官网区 is proud to begin our fifth year of recruitment for our AlamoPROMISE program to continue our moonshot of ending decades of generational poverty in our community,”医生说。. 麦克·弗洛雷斯,十大网赌正规网址官网地区校长. “我们感谢这个项目的无数支持者, including our city leaders - City of 圣安东尼奥 Mayor Ron Nirenberg and the members of the 圣安东尼奥 City Council, 还有慷慨的捐赠者. By giving students a step up on their educational journey, we are accelerating the elimination of poverty through education in our community.”

除了学费补助, AlamoPROMISE Scholars have access to wraparound services such as advising, 职业咨询, 并在财务方面提供帮助, 健康, and other issues that present barriers to completing a college education. Anyone interested in learning more about how to apply and qualify is encouraged to visit 阿拉莫.edu/promise.