
June 3, 2024

Office of Marketing & Strategic Communications


Although he died in July 2023 at age 86, 通过捐赠610美元,他继续对SAC新闻专业的学生产生积极影响,000 to a scholarship fund.  

这份礼物是5月17日在斯科比教育中心举行的亨特生命庆祝活动上宣布的. 这笔捐款为亨特家族新闻捐赠奖学金基金提供了可观的资金, 亨特在2007年为了纪念他的父母和兄弟而建立的. In the past decade, 该基金为23名学生提供每学年500美元的奖学金.

从2025年秋季学期开始,这笔来自亨特遗产的礼物有望为更多的学生提供更大的奖励, said Deborah Martin of the Alamo Colleges Foundation.

该奖学金开放给参加至少一门新闻课程的全日制或兼职SAC学生, along with other criteria. 学生可以通过完成十大网赌正规网址官网基金会的奖学金申请这项奖学金和其他奖学金 general scholarship application.

该基金会为十大网赌正规网址官网的学生管理着大约300个奖学金基金. 在2022-23学年,该基金会资助了超过1美元.为1895名学生提供900万美元的奖学金,平均每位学生每年获得1012美元的奖学金.

Chet Hunt 3 web.jpgLegacy of a beloved professor
亨特于1978年8月来到SAC,担任新闻项目的教员. He served as a faculty advisor to the Ranger 并于2006年退休,担任新闻摄影系主任一职. He chronicled his life and career in a blog full of memories, history and humor.

前SAC主席罗伯特·齐格勒(Robert Zeigler)说,亨特帮助塑造了圣安东尼奥学院. 他以前的许多学生都在新闻业取得了成功, with some even winning a Pulitzer prize.

In addition to his professionalism, former students and colleagues remember his kindness, encouragement and remarkable patience.

SAC新闻项目实验室技术员特里西娅·布赫霍恩不仅是亨特的前学生, but was also his colleague when she joined the program staff.



Buchhorn recalled when, as a photo editor for a student publication, she clashed with another editor about a page design. 就在两人争吵的时候,亨特迅速重新设计了整个页面,并把它摆在他们面前.

"In a matter of minutes, 他重新设计了整个页面,让我们俩都停在原地," she said. "He never said a word, he just put it in front of us, 它满足了我们对彼此的要求,创造了一个解决方案."

布赫霍恩说,他还以一种富有同情心的方式将反馈转化为学习机会. If the latest edition of the student newspaper was published at 9 a.m., Hunt would call by 10 a.m. with corrections offered as suggestions, Buchhorn said.

"He was never negative and always positive. It was never 'you screwed this up.她说:“我总是说‘你可能想看看这个’或‘下次考虑做这个’。.

When she went on to pursue a bachelor's degree, 布赫霍恩意识到,她在SAC的新闻培训使她能够与其他学生竞争.

Chet Hunt web 2.jpg她说:“我很早就知道,我的技能已经达到或超过了我的同学。. "SAC put us ahead of others at a four-year university."


"He didn't expect you to know everything, so he would guide you with ideas and give you feedback," Buchhorn said. "It was never anything derogatory. 这只是为了帮助我提高,因为提高我也会提高整个部门."

Revitalized journalism program

这个节目最近成为广播/电视/电影系的一部分, 让学生更容易成为多媒体记者,并在广播中探索新闻事业, television, print, social and other online media.

In May, the program launched The Sundial, an online student newspaper that replaces The Ranger, which ceased operations in 2021 after 95 years.  

Hunt would approve, Buchhorn said.
